Spiritual thoughts that come my way

Welcome to my website

Glad you are here. This is a website that I created to help motivate me in my walk with God. The articles you read here are coming from my thoughts of our daily reading from my church. They are not meant to be in any way polished articles or quality work. You will probably find misspellings and creative use of grammar.

In the future, if I happen to like an article, then perhaps I will polish it up. But in the mean time, this is something very informal and basic.

That being said, enjoy!

The Website's Name

Many years ago, when I was a youth minister in Backersfield, CA, I would write a weekly article for the church bulletin. Being that my last name was Dial, and these were my thoughts, I decided to name my part, "Dial-A-Thought". They were not all readings to write home about, but some of them were pretty good. But more than anything else, I remember how those weekly writings would help me meditate on the Word. So that is why I am starting it again, only this time on the web.

God bless you all and thanks for stopping by.

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